Saturday, April 18, 2009

Show your love....

Don't you stay and wait,
That love will arrive to you..
If you just stay quite,
Only bafflement and bitterness you will suffer later..

Show your love..
Make them notice..
How pulchritude this world is..
When you are falling in love..

Run as forcible as you can..
Until you procure your love..
Authinticate if you are really serious..
Make them commit half of their life to you..

When the sun starts to revive..
The crimson rays starts to glitter the twilight zone..
Birds start to sing with their spanking and exemplaring voice..

Your love will always white and wide to wade across together..


  1. What is "pulchritude"??? I have never seen such a word!

    So are you heeding your own advice and searching for your love as forcibly as you can? lol

  2. i think i know who you are writting too..


    so easy to guess..


    peace.. V ^ ^ V

  3. Hey, hey Oline.... Don't be selfish. Knowledge is to be shared. Kindly reveal the name of this mysterious male.
